Hey my lovely's! :)
So, Tomorrow is WORLD IBD DAY!
what's this? -lets get technical.
IBD stands for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The two most common forms of this are Crohn's Disease & Ulcerative Colitis.
In both UC and Crohn's, parts of the digestive system (the gut), which includes the intestines or 'bowels', become sore and inflamed. Crohn's can affect any part of the digestive system from the mouth to the anus. There isn't a cure at the moment but a lot can be done with medication and surgery to help keep symptoms under control and to reduce the chance of a flare-up.
I've known someone for a long time who suffers from this and have been aware of her struggle and hopefully, have supported her throughout. It's moving to see this so close to home and it's hard to ignore.
It only takes a second to take a selfie and donate to such a worthwhile cause. It would mean the world to a lot of people who have suffered in silence with this disease. So take your selfies with your signs, tag friends, and remember to donate!! I'm wearing purple on Tuesday, and hopefully you all will be too!
So come on,
Put your purple top on,
Take a selfie with your sign and tag it with # CCUK and # WORLDIBDDAY
and most importantly...
Text: PURP19 £( and your amount) to 70070
visit www.crohnsandcolitis.org.uk/get-involved/world-ibd-day for more information and don't forget to wear PURPLE tomorrow !
here's me, my mum, brother and my dog with our supporting pictures!
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