The one thing that really bugs me about summer is when you just get your shade right then you go on holiday and come back a completely different colour. In the summer months I stay away from the foundation and opt for a lighter option. I am LOVING Chanel's soleil tan de Chanel, bronze universal.
It's very velvety to touch and is a light creamy bronzer that leaves your skin with a sunkissed look. I'm usually quite scared when it comes to bronzers as some of them can make you look like you've rubbed your face in mud. Or worse you look like a girl who fell asleep under a sunbed for too long! But this one is so velvety and light that it is perfect for a nice even sunkissed finish. It also blends really well leaving no lines on the face atall. It has a very creamy smell almost smells of holidays!

It is £32.00 which for what it is, isn't bad atall, it also lasts so long!! I've been ont he same pot now for soo long. For me it's the next best thing to foundation and when you want that sunkissed look it certainly works.
Which is your fav bronzer ?
Fran xx
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