oooh yay my absolute favourite time of the year! I LOVE dressing up, It's so exciting! (BIG KID!) I Thought I would post last years outfits I wore incase you were looking for some inspiration. Me & my boyfriend went to two parties as 'couple costumes' if you like.

The first costume was Mr & Mrs. Bones! I took my inspiration from some lovely costumes that I saw online for some crazzyyy prices!
For both of these you will need: fake blood
white face paint
red lipstick (optional)
something to do the black with, eyeliner, black
face paint etc.
black clothing
FOR MRS BONES: I dug out an old dancing costume out of my wardrobe that I had worn for a previous show when I was younger which was perfect for this outfit! obviously, you guys might not have this so a black tutu and a black vest top is perfect! you could even draw on some bones with tippex or paint? This dancing dress has a black tutu attached to it which was perfect. I wore it with black tights and black boots.
The face makeup was me guessing really! I painted one side of my face completly white and left that to dry, I then made the one side of my eye, nose and cheek black and left to set. Next was the mouth, I wanted it to look zippiest so i drew black lines from my just above my top lip to just below my bottom lip! Go wild, draw a black line somewhere and smudge it out, it all looks good in the end! Then obviously the other side of your face is normal! foundation blush and a bit of red lippy!
MR. BONES: For Mr. Bones, my boyfriend Jacob wore a white shirt, black suit trousers and a white bow tie, thinking about it he should have worn a black one but hey ho! How come boys get it so easily! Throw on a suit and you can be anyone!
The makeup was the same as mine minus the red lipstick! ;)
For the next party we went as a Zombie doctor and Nurse. This one was fun!
Zombie Nurse: I bought this outfit from Amazon!Its only £12 something and It comes ready blood splattered complete with dress,apron and headpiece! I will put the link below, I bought some bloody tights from the girls section in ASDA. I then found a nurse play kit in the poundshop which is where i got the stethoscope from.
The makeup: For this I wanted to keep my face a little more 'normal'. I did my normal everyday makeup, I then made wounds out of tissue and stuck them on with eyelash glue, then goured them up with skin coloured makeup then added some blood, they looked pretty realistic! I also bought some tattoo's from eBay, in the shape of gashes and wounds, they were fab and only cost a couple of pounds, infact i still have some left for this year!
Zombie Doctor: This one was fun! I bought some surgical scrubs from eBay for about £6 and then we blooded them ourselves with fake blood! We hung it on the line outside and splattered it all over it, smearing our hands over it and all sorts, The set included top,trousers and a mask! I bought some gloves home from work and applied some blood to those also.
The makeup: I applied some black eyeshadow to his head to appear 'bruised' and some red blood in his eyebrows and cheeks. We then backcombed all his hair and thew some talc in it, this helped to give the mysterious look as it turned it white! was a bugger to get out though,haha. I certainly wouldn't want him operating on me would you?!
bloody tights - these are hardly ever in stock!
zombie nurse costume
Bloody Tatoo's
surgical scrubs!
Thanks for reading! Hope this can give you some inspiration or tips for your outfits?
Happy Halloween! :)
Love fran xxxx