Now Here's a post I have been meaning to do for awhile, now we are in the winter months its time to give your hair some TLC. The cold weather really takes its toll on our hair and It's time to bite back! We swap our moisturisers so why not give your hair a treat. The ingredients I am going to use are easy to get hold of and some of you will have them in your cupboards anyway!
Eggs! Yes Eggs can be a great source of protein for your hair. The yolk is rich in fats and proteins which is extremely moisturising. The whites contain bacteria eating enzymes that cleanse hair and scalp from unwanted oils. For normal hair use whole egg to condition; use just yolks to moisturise dry, brittle hair; and use just whites to treat oily hair. For me, I have a super oily scalp so this is a must.
Yoghurt! Yogurt can help reverse hair damage caused by product build up and air pollution. After a weekend in London my hair felt sooo brittle & dry, and with it being the party season and all I haven't been the kindest to my hair (I'm sorry i still love you) The lactic acid in yogurt gently strips away dirt while the milk fat moisturises. Double YAY!
Coconut Oil! Now we all know how amazing coconut oil is for our hair and body, this is a vital ingredient in our hair mask as it moisthurises, prevents breakage and is PACKED with nutrients to keep our hair strong and healthy such as Vitamin E, Vitamin K and Iron. Each of these plays a key role in keeping your hair soft and supple, and Iron can even eradicate dandruff from the scalp.
If your thinking of having a go, Mix all these kitchen essentials in one and apply from tip to root, leave for 20 mins and rinse with cool water. I like to wear it up in a bun and keep it off my face and skin because lets face it... it's raw egg!! Let me know how you get on I guarantee you will love it!
happy hair masking !
whats your favourite? let me know, Fran xxx

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